lIVING iN day two 

Day one is where you hear the promise, and its exciting, encouraging and creates an inner world of anticipation. Day three is where the promise and dream is fulfilled and realised. Day three is full of appreciation, gratitude and appreciation.  But every promise and dream must pass through DAY TWO, it's on day two where all you have is the promise, and because its a promise only God can fulfil that dream is surrounded by impossible circumstances, deadness, and barrenness. 

With God's promises and dreams there is always this day two moment. Day two often makes day three fulfilment look absolutely impossible. The disciples had the promise that Jesus would after three days rise from the dead, but on day two Jesus is still dead in the grave. They must have wrestled with real doubts, fears, and uncertainty. On day two they must have asked "is Jesus who he said he is? Will he rise? Have we just wasted the last three years? Should we run and leave Jerusalem, and escape from the risk of being execution too? Shall we give him one more day and wait? On day three all those questions are answered, but day two is often full of darkness, questions and the risk of spiralling into hopelessness. 

Another example is Abraham and Sarah, on day one is the promise of being the father of the multitudes, having their own son, yet on day two all they have is deadness, and a barren womb, it looks impossible. Its in the in-between time, they had to answer the confusion with the promise, and so in hope against all hope Abraham believed. It's on day two that you have to fight. 

On day two your dream, promise and vision looks dead, impossible, it appears dead in the grave. The doubts, confusion, questions, darkness needs to be addressed in the in-between time. 1 Timothy 1v18 is a verse for the day two moment, you must fight, and wage warfare using what God has promised. You need to take the promises that underpin the transition to day three (fulfilment, a hope realised). Enduring day two requires conviction, quiet trust and confidence in the one who promised. Maybe the followers of Jesus also said "He promised after three days He would rise from the dead, He promised resurrection, I know He is currently dead in the grave, but that's not where he will remain, tomorrow everything will be different" 

Day two doesn't transition to day three by mere human wisdom, strategy, zeal, and passion. God's promises and dreams are always bigger than what we can do for God. Its always something he has to do in and through us. On day two all we can see is what's broken, impossible, dead and barren. Mere human reasoning, doubled efforts won't transition the days, but reminding yourself of the promise, and  His faithfulness to supernaturally intervene will cultivate the faith and hope to remain trusting and expectant. We must declare, "I know the dream and promise is currently surrounded by deadness and barrenness, but I have a promise, there is a day three fulfilment moment coming and I'm nearer to it today than I was yesterday."

Far from being passive, day two is about being made ready to inherit day three. Don't despair, become discouraged, God said it, He will do it. Water the promise, cultivate the ground around the promise in order to keep trusting and believing God. Remember when He gave the promise He knew all about the moment the dream would be dead in the grave, He fully understood about the dead areas and barrenness in your life. Yet none of this put Him off, He knew all about it when He spoke the promise.

Day two doesn't necessarily mean something is wrong, its just the stage of the journey. You don't need to know how to transition the dream to day three (fulfilment). Day two convinces us that it's only through abiding that the impossible becomes possible. Day two protects us from faulty self-confidence.  If you falsely conclude that by your own strength and gifting you brought about the transition to fulfilment, then by natural extension you'll conclude its up to you to sustain it, and the fear of failure will torment you.  But if you know that both the promise and its fulfilment are sheer gift then you'll conclude that whatever surrounds you in day two, nothing can break, quench, or deter God from bringing about His intention. Hope is the crucial ingredient for living in day two and being ready to enjoy day three. 

Whatever is currently surrounding your dream right now cultivate hope in the love, goodness, and kindness of God. He has said it, surely He will do it. 


For more resources to encourage Intimacy, connection and trust in Father God please download the Dream Revolution smartphone App by clicking the link.


Jamie Lee, 30/04/2017
Hello and welcome to our church. If you are a new visitor, we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about planning a visit.
Click here to see more.

Planning your Visit

New to Church?

Welcome! Whether you've just moved to the area, or have lived here all your life, we hope our website helps you to find out everything you want to know about our Church.


Some key information about the church...


Where & when does the church meet?

The church meets every Sunday at 11:00 am for our Sunday Service. There is plenty of free parking around the CCK building. We are walking distance from Plumstead Train station and local buses. It’s good to get to the meeting 15 minutes early to enjoy a fresh cup of coffee before the service starts.

We meet at the church building in the middle of Plumstead

The address is:

46 Lakedale Road
SE18 1PS

You can see a map on our contact us page.


What should I expect when I visit the church?

You will receive a very warm welcome particularly from our Welcome Team who will be able to answer your questions and direct you to where you need to go.

Sunday is special because it’s the main opportunity in the week for the whole church family to gather, worship God, enjoy his manifest presence together, minister to one-another, receive encouragement and exhortation from God’s word and be refreshed by God’s Spirit and one-another’s friendship and support.

There will be approximately 45 mins of singing with opportunity for church members to pray, prophesy or read a passage from the bible. After the notices there will be a preach, we take time to understand the bible’s message and how this can teach us about God, about ourselves, about the world that we live in and about what authentic Christian lifestyle looks like in practice. At the end of the preach there is always a chance to respond.

Tea, coffee and biscuits are served after the service where there is plenty of time to meet new people and ask more questions.


What happens to the kids at church?

As a family church we are thrilled to have people of all ages involved in our Sunday morning meetings. Typically, after worshiping together for 30 minutes or so, the children and young people will leave for their own activities.

We have a fantastic programme for the kids at the Church for ages 0–14. Children stay with their parents at the start of the service as we worship (sing songs!) together for the first part of the morning. Someone will announce when the children need to go to their programme.

For more information about what happens in the children's work please visit the relevant age groups for you under church life.

Is there a dress code?

No! Please just be yourself and come dressed in your 'normal' clothes.


Will I have to join in?

Not at all!
You are free to simply observe or participate as much as feels comfortable for you.


Useful Links...

We have more information for you specifically if you…


I have more questions, how can I get in touch and ask them.

Please feel free to contact us.